Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

A souped of photo of Shutt's Barn.
See the original here. Happy Holidays everyone !!
Music video by Eastman Harp Ensemble.

rochpaul5 - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Barnes & Noble Greece tomorrow

Democrat and Chronicle is promoting the Capture Rochester Photobook at Barnes and Noble in Greece tomorrow at 2pm. It's on my route, and they asked if I'd stop in for the book signing. Not really wanting to deface any of the great photos in the book, I'll sign on the title page if asked.

Checking out a car today w/ KT

Checking in on the situation in Schenectady/Albany Ice Storm

Only a final exam left @ MCC

2009 Calendar came in this week. Photos look great

Thinking of some new winter sites. Photos after Christmas

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Capture Rochester Book is released

on this rainy Saturday ....... we were invited to George Eastman House for a short awards reception and an opportunity to meet other contributors. I was happy to have won a 'people's choice' award in the News-worthy category and have several of my photos selected for the book.

Capture Rochester | View Photo | Sneaking a Peek.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The beauty of B&W

Wilson Photo Club made its first field trip of the season to Genesee Country Village, Mumford yesterday. Here are few of the images that I took. The four students in my group shot over 10 rolls of Tri-X film ... developing and printing come next.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

ts'ben a too long time ...

... since I updated and I'm feeling a bit the slacker for it. Prevailing excuses are the many new job assignments coming my way in photography, a couple of art shows this summer / fall and a new semester for chemistry and photolabs at MCC and RIT. Least I could do is boink up a few photos though. They're coming soon.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Falling Waters

One great thing about this part of the world is the abundant water, in the Great Lakes, in the Finger Lakes, in the thousands of lakes and ponds of the Adirondacks. Here's some waterfalls photos from the past month.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Right On School

Summer camp for Rochester students grades 2-8. I'll participate as a Community Darkroom teacher with the grade 7 and 8 students exploring with photography.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Latest photos for Rochester's Photobook

Here's the most recent photos I've posted to Capture Rochester.
Click on them, sign in / register and vote on their merits for the book, sponsored by the Democrat & Chronicle.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dig or Nix

Capture Rochester is a new project that I've gotten into this week. The ice was on the porch window this past winter and the this fat cat is charging up his static electricity batteries and catching some rays. Make your votes and check out the book project.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Large Format Scanning

Trying out the scanners at school. Trying to get some of my old 120 negs and slides into digiland. This is from the Smokey's. Kodak PKR film, that's Kodachrome 64 in 120 format !!
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

from the Orienteering Meet at Letchworth!

This past weekend was the 2008 U.S. Orienteering Championship Meet hosted by the Rochester Orienteering Club. It was a two day event in Letchworth State Park and Mendon Ponds. Participants from the Northeast U.S. and Canada ran courses that were set out to challenge their map-reading and navigation skills. The weather was summer-like and it was a great weekend. Photo/slideshow soon.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

When we crossed the bridge this morning we saw the ice-fishermen were out on the bay. They'll be there until the bitter end of winter. Fixing pipes and running out of time. Seeds need to get started and I need to find a cure for the drips.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Leaf Photogram

Leaf Photogram, originally uploaded by rochpaul5.

Cyanotype is a very old iron-based photographic process. The formulas are quite simple and safe to use. I'm teaching another cyanotype workshop in early May and will put a few more up in the blog.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Arrival at Southwick House, Penfield

Happy St. Patrick's Day !! Winter is winding down -- at least I think it is. This was taken last week on a swirly, snowy, sunny, windy day. I has three students for tutoring that day. It was quite a mix, AP Physics, basic math aimed at passing the US Army entrance exam and the dreaded fractions for fourth graders.